Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seeing the world through a new set of Eyes

I had a chance to experience the Mercury Expo Poster Presentations in the female mask, an international witness to the havoc wreaked on our environment by mercury. I arrived after everything had been set up and the participants had just arrived. Admittedly, I felt a little out of place among the researchers with their very sophisticated scientific posters. What was this place and what do all these signs mean? So, I wondered in and out among the posters, taking note carefully of each, lingering next to those stories which effected me most.

Surprisingly, the mask elicited very little response from those around me. It was almost as if I was wearing nothing at all. This was certainly not the reaction that I expected, but proved particularly enticing as a performer. Would these students and researchers speak to me? Would they answer the questions that I couldn't ask? Tell me the information that I needed although my mask rendered me mute?

Some stood silently by their posters as I passed, trying to read between the scientific jargon but fortunately, many spoke. They explained the plight of fish and fowl, exposed to mercury, as I stood by and listened. I felt particularly touched when one girl, obviously uncertain about my mask, stalwartly finished her presentation, and then, deliberately asked me if I had any questions. She was the first person to acknowledge me in the mask since I had arrived without my direct engagement with her. I appreciated her risk in addressing such an unconventional member of her audience.

The first steps to solving the world's problems are reaching out a friendly hand to an unfamiliar face, extended with an offering of knowledge and a willingness to listen.


Torbjörn Alström - said...

Oh..great experiences - I would love to have the names on you who are writing here. it's nice for future when these comments might be part of an exhibition. Hope you all continue to write here or making comments. There is also the facebook group - Tales from the mask. Thank you all ! / Torbjorn

Vivian Appler said...

This mask player is Margaret Hutchinson, a graduating senior at William and Mary.

MARIA LINDELL med Gudruns mask

Maskernas Resa

Plötsligt såg jag mig själv i ditt ansikte av trä och pergament, och jag började berätta ... "