Saturday, December 12, 2009

The last part - for this time

Well-- we are there... one year is coming to an end... the masks have been travelling around since January. The final stop is here.. in Skåne, Swden -- with the Skåne Dance Company. They will keep them for a longer time.. until february 2010. Will the journey stop there ??? I don't know... maybe this is just the beginning.. for a neverendinmg journey. Perhaps there is more people wanting to take care of the masks , to be inspired by them, to add something to their stpry- Let me know in that case.

Good luck all dancers at the Skåne Dance Company !!!!!

1 comment:

Slash Coleman said...

2010 is the year of the Tiger and will be a golden year for the masks. Congrats Torbjorn!

MARIA LINDELL med Gudruns mask

Maskernas Resa

Plötsligt såg jag mig själv i ditt ansikte av trä och pergament, och jag började berätta ... "