Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stockholm, Sweden 2:nd of January 2009

THE JOURNEY HAR STARTED ! The first artist in chain of different artist have now recieved the mask. He will present himself here more in just a while. The journey has started.... don't miss it !

It was a cold day in Stockholm, Sweden ---- I went by the bus for 20 minutes to get to the most famous place for different transactions in Stoc
kholm. The square called Sergels Torg - perhaps this is the first time the transaction has been two masks, usually it's other things. The square is in the center of the city, a meeting point, a place for demonstrations and other actions. A place w
here all kinds aof people meet, a perfect place to start this journey. The second day of this new year it took place.... the first transaction - the first month.

There is a problem to load videos today. The film from the transaction will be published shortly !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Härligt att få se resan fortsätta! Man vet aldrig vart det kan sluta, spännande!

MARIA LINDELL med Gudruns mask

Maskernas Resa

Plötsligt såg jag mig själv i ditt ansikte av trä och pergament, och jag började berätta ... "